新10 1-
518:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
How do you know each other?
519:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
I love the theatre
520:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
Wonderfull great site
521:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
I'd like to send this letter by
522:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
An estate agents
523:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
Do you know each other?
524:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
The line's engaged
525:NY 5/30 6:43 ID:iacQuJG6
I'm on a course at the moment
526:NY 5/30 7:59 ID:iacQuJG6
Could you tell me the number for ?
527:NY 5/30 7:59 ID:iacQuJG6
I enjoy travelling

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)