新10 1-
534:NY 5/30 7:59 ID:iacQuJG6
A First Class stamp
535:NY 5/30 8:30 ID:mKTvOGAg
What do you want to do when you've finished? <a href=&quo 略4
536:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
What sort of music do you listen to?
537:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
I'll put her on
538:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
Not in at the moment
539:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
Is there ?
540:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
I work for myself
541:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
I can't hear you very well
542:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
I was made redundant two months ago
543:NY 5/30 9:16 ID:iacQuJG6
When do you want me to start?

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)