新10 1-
639:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
Thanks funny site
640:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
Get a job
641:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
I can't hear you very well
642:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
Could I have an application form?
643:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
I'm in my first year at university
644:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
645:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
I work for myself
646:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
Withdraw cash
647:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
Very Good Site
648:NY 6/7 17:10 ID:OkL9dWe.
The manager

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