新10 1-
786:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
Would you like to leave a message?
787:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
We need someone with experience
788:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
Have you got any experience?
789:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
A packet of envelopes
790:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
Directory enquiries
791:NY 6/8 13:3 ID:FEBn50q2
How long are you planning to stay here?
792:NY 6/8 13:4 ID:FEBn50q2
What company are you calling from?
793:NY 6/8 13:4 ID:FEBn50q2
Very Good Site
794:NY 6/8 13:4 ID:FEBn50q2
Pleased to meet you
795:NY 6/8 13:21 ID:HC7MeK9E
Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=" [barngroc 略1

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