新10 1-
816:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Would you like to leave a message?
817:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Nice to meet you
818:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Did you go to university?
819:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Will I have to work shifts?
820:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
I need to charge up my phone
821:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
I'd like to send this parcel to
822:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
I was made redundant two months ago
823:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
A First Class stamp
824:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
It's OK
825:NY 6/8 18:1 ID:FEBn50q2
There's a three month trial period

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)