新10 1-
917:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
In tens, please (ten pound notes)
918:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
I'd like to send this parcel to
919:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
Which university are you at?
920:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
Three years
921:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
A staff restaurant
922:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
Remove card
923:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
What university do you go to?
924:NY 6/9 7:9 ID:n.nyEEbY
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926:NY 6/9 8:9 ID:D0uI10l.
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