新10 1-
962:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
We've got a joint account
963:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
I was born in Australia but grew up in England
964:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
965:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
On another call
966:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
Withdraw cash
967:NY 6/9 13:55 ID:n.nyEEbY
How much does the job pay?
968:NY 6/9 15:3 ID:D0uI10l.
Where did you go to university? <a href=" [www.green 略3
969:NY 6/9 15:34 ID:n.nyEEbY
Where's the postbox?
970:NY 6/9 15:34 ID:n.nyEEbY
How long have you lived here?
971:NY 6/9 15:34 ID:n.nyEEbY
I'm doing a phd in chemistry

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)