新10 1-
325:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
What do you do?
326:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
I'm sorry, she's
327:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
Through friends
328:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
Enter your PIN
329:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
I'm a housewife
330:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
How many more years do you have to go?
331:NY 5/26 13:4 ID:n3c6nlKg
I never went to university
332:NY 5/26 15:33 ID:n3c6nlKg
Please call back later
333:NY 5/26 15:33 ID:n3c6nlKg
Accountant supermarket manager
334:NY 5/26 15:33 ID:n3c6nlKg
I'm at Liverpool University

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)