新10 1-
481:NY 5/28 0:51 ID:goKVYu6A
Enter your PIN
482:NY 5/28 0:51 ID:goKVYu6A
Where do you live?
483:NY 5/28 1:27 ID:pV8b.f.c
I've got a very weak signal <a href=" [www.fernandoc 略1
484:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
I love the theatre
485:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
How do you do?
486:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
What do you do?
487:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
Some First Class stamps
488:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
The National Gallery
489:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
Did you go to university?
490:NY 5/28 3:24 ID:goKVYu6A
I saw your advert in the paper

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)