新10 1-
496:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
Could I borrow your phone, please?
497:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
How many are there in a book?
498:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
Gloomy tales
499:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
I can't get a signal
500:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
this is be cool 8)
501:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
Do you need a work permit?
502:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
I live here
503:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
I'm training to be an engineer
504:NY 5/28 5:58 ID:goKVYu6A
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
505:NY 5/28 10:8 ID:pV8b.f.c
Is there ? <a href=" [www.fernandocasas.com/articles 略1

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)