新10 1-
706:NY 6/8 1:21 ID:FEBn50q2
I'm on holiday
707:NY 6/8 1:21 ID:FEBn50q2
I support Manchester United
708:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Children with disabilities
709:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
How long are you planning to stay here?
710:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
real beauty page
711:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
712:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
I've got a very weak signal
713:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
I'm training to be an engineer
714:NY 6/8 1:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
715:NY 6/8 3:0 ID:FEBn50q2
Do you have any exams coming up?

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)