新10 1-
809:NY 6/8 15:42 ID:HC7MeK9E
It's serious <a href=" [barngrocery.com/order-proges 略1
810:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
We used to work together
811:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
I'd like to pay this cheque in, please
812:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
What qualifications have you got?
813:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment
814:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
It's OK
815:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Could I borrow your phone, please?
816:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Would you like to leave a message?
817:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Nice to meet you
818:NY 6/8 16:22 ID:FEBn50q2
Did you go to university?

ir ver 1.0 beta2.2 (03/10/22)